Main | Members | Medals

We have created some Medals that are awarded to Pirates who show devotion to the Pirates and also have done great deeds for the Pirates. They are explained below.

Swabbie Star
Swabbie Star
A small medal for small deeds of Piracy.
Booty Badge
Booty Badge
A medal given for good work and dedication, particularly regarding the capture of booty.
Bronze Tor
Bronze Tor
A prestigious medal given to those Pirates who have often demonstrated themselves worthy of notoriety at the benefit of the Pirates.
Silver Shedders
Silver Shedders
Awarded by the Cap'n and high-ranking officers to those buccaneers with a crafty eye for booty, a steady hand at the sail, and a devotion to Piracy.
Golden Crossbones
Golden Crossbones
The finest of the ordinary awards. The Golden Crossbones are only awarded to those outstanding Pirates that have demonstrated their endless devotion and ingenuity in the cause of Piracy.
Pirate King's Badge of Honor
Pirate King's Badge of Honor
The Pirate King's Badge of Honor is only awarded to a pirate who has done super things and given the Pirates much honor. You must perform superb feats over and over!



Silver Shedders, Bronze Tor, Booty Badge, Swabby Star:
Can be given out by any Officer to any Swabbie. Can be given to anyone by the Captain.

Golden Crossbones, Pirate King’s Badge of Honor:
Can only be given out by the Captain to anyone.

In order for a Officer to receive a Medal it must be:
1. Voted on by the other Officers. A 2/3 vote(6 Officers) is needed to pass it.
2.Given out by the Captain

In order for the Captain to receive a Medal it must be:

  1. Voted on by the Officers. A 2/3 vote(6 Officers) is needed to pass it.

All Medals can be vetoed by the Captain. At this point only a unanimous vote by the Officers can reinstate the Medal.


©2006-2007 Joshua Belanger
All game images are copyrighted by Delta Tao. All Rights Reserved